Chlorine in Healthcare
Chlorine chemistry helps us stay healthy
Chlorine chemistry is essential when it comes to keeping us healthy and fit. Many top-selling pharmaceuticals require chlorine chemistry for their production, and a multitude of medical supplies and devices also depend on it. Whether you use contact lenses to improve your vision or require life-saving surgery, you can rely on chlorine chemistry to help meet a wide range of medical needs. Read more on how chlorine is used in other industries such as construction, energy production, transportation, defense and law enforcement sector.
Chlorine chemistry: Hard at work in healthcare
Pharmaceuticals, respiratory inhalers, soft contact lenses, lenses for eyeglasses and sunglasses, safety glasses, blood bags and tubing, surgical membranes, medical devices, disinfectants, artificial human joints
Chlorine chemistry up close
Insight into chlorine’s role in antibiotics may help overcome ‘superbug’ infections